The proposed Museum Belt zone, will be earmarked
strategically located at the surrounding of the
St Paul Hill, where the present existing museums
are located, Museum Rakyat, Youth Museum, Literature
Museum, Maritime Museum, Malacca Sultanate Museum,
TYT Museum (former official residence of Governor
of Malacca State, Royal Navy Museum...
ICEF is considering
to incorporate the following new museums at this
Museum Belt :
Islamic Cultural
Assets and Tin Currency Museum : 15-17th Century
Money Museum
Stamps Museum
3-5 Underwater
cultural property : Longquan, Xuate, Royal Nanhai,
Turiang Musuem (those are excavated from the Malaysian
water, wrecks & artifacts recovered from sunken
shipwrecks, from 15th-18th century)
Nyonya Baba Museum
Laksamana Museum
Malaysia Collectibles
Open Living Museum,
by stages, will be incorporated in Heren &
Jonker Street, at those selected buildings, which
will be recognized and accepted by WHC & UNESCO
ICEF welcome all
those interesting parties and institutions, or individual
collectors to participate jointly to materialize the
above proposed new museums, which will be located
at our proposed Museum Belt.